醫學院EMI辦公室 温小姐2137*86
南區雙語教育區域資源中心推出2門EMI線 上培訓課程,歡迎老師們報名參加!
1) Oxford EMI Self-Access Course: https://reurl.cc/ xl7a2e
2) OPEN EMI 2023 Summer Program: https://reurl.cc/ 3O75y9
針對此2門課程,中心特辦理教師修習分享會, 歡迎對課程有興趣的老師參加,聆聽曾修學員的分享,報名連結:
1) Oxford EMI線上課程教師修習分享會:https://forms. gle/D6PiX2pZymQcgFVAA
2) OPEN EMI培訓課程教師修習分享會: https://forms. gle/UdmroJRGbB4wmjj76
Two EMI online training courses provided by NSYSU's Southern Regional Resource Center for Bilingual Education are now available for registration.
Welcome to register or pass on this information to your colleagues.
Registration links:
1) Oxford EMI Self-Access Course: https://reurl.cc/ xl7a2e
2) OPEN EMI 2023 Summer Program: https://reurl.cc/ 3O75y9
Teacher Study Experience Sharing sessions will also be hold. Links to registration:
1) Oxford EMI Sharing session:https://forms.gle/ D6PiX2pZymQcgFVAA
2) OPEN EMI Sharing session: https://forms.gle/ UdmroJRGbB4wmjj76