2023 EMI🎶學生英文歌唱比賽
Student English Singing Competition
🎄聖誕佳節邀你一同來歡唱🎙 歡迎全校師生一同蒞臨觀賞,本校學生還可參加人氣獎投票活動,投下你最愛💖的個人組及團體組,有機會拿到好禮~!🎁
🎅Everyone is welcome to join🎅
▼開放報名時間Registration start time:(首次開放) 2023.10.20 (五) 09:00 ~ 2023.11.17 (五) 17:30 / (第二輪公開賽 2023.11.24(五)~2023.12.01(五))
▽ 兩賽制合計達30組上限,將自動關閉表單 The sum of two groups totals 30, and the form will automatically close.
▼ 繳交比賽(去人聲)音檔(MP3)💿截止日 The deadline for submitting competition music:(First-time Open) 2023.11.22 (三) / (Second-round Open) 2023.12.01 (五) § 寄件至r101123@gap.kmu.edu.tw
※繳交音檔前可再更改歌曲 You can change the song before submitting the audio file.
▎比賽日程 Competition schedule
◇賽前測驗Practise:2023.12.22 (5) 15:30-17:30
◆比賽時間Competing time:2023.12.25 (一) 18:00-21:30 ※結束時間視當天比賽狀況而變動
◆比賽地點Place:國研大樓B2 B廳 International Academic Research Building 2nd underground floor- Hall B
#每位參賽學生,可獲得100元禮卷,不含額外協助參賽者的學生 Each participating student can receive a TWD 100 voucher
▎舉報規則 Rule
All currently enrolled students of our school are eligible to sign up and participate.
(2)每位學生限參加一種賽制:個人賽/團體賽 ※兩賽制合計限30組 Up to 30 groups
Each student can choose to participate in either the individual competition or the team competition.
If participating in the individual category, each student can only participate once.
If participating in the team category, repeated participation is allowed, but within the same team, a maximum of two individuals can participate more than once.
On the day of the competition, voting coupons can be exchanged. A draw will be conducted, and 10 students will be eligible to receive NT$100 vouchers, excluding participants. ※ Student ID verification required.
▎比賽獎金 Competition prize ※各賽制若報名未達5組,將取消優選獎項 ※Each category will cancel Preferred if there are less than 5 registered teams.
※名次於比賽當天公告,獎金及獎狀擇日通知領取 Results will be announced on the day of the competition, and the prize money and certificates will be distributed on a later date as notified
☆個人賽Individual competition☆
★第一名 (1st place):TWD 6,000/1名+獎狀
★第二名 (2nd place):TWD 4,000/1名+獎狀
★第三名 (3rd place):TWD 3,000/1名+獎狀
★優選 (Preferred):TWD 1,500/1名+獎狀
★人氣獎 (Popularity award):TWD 1,000/1名
☆團體賽Team competition☆ ※一組2~6人
★第一名 (1st place):TWD 12,000/1組+獎狀
★第二名 (2nd place):TWD 9,000/1組+獎狀
★第三名 (3rd place):TWD 6,000/1組+獎狀
★優選 (Preferred):TWD 3,000/1組+獎狀
★人氣獎 (Popularity award):TWD 1,500/1組
1.比賽規則 Competition Rules:
(一)比賽設備 Equipment
Participants may request assistance from fellow students to play audio files or assist with background music, excluding vocal harmonies, narration, and other vocal components. Violation of this rule will result in a deduction of 10 points from the total score.
(二)比賽時間 Time
The performance time is approximately 1 minute 30 seconds to 4 minutes. If less than 1 minute 30 seconds, a deduction of 5 points will be applied to the overall score. If exceeding 4 minutes 30 seconds, eligibility for awards will be revoked.
The pre-competition test time is 1 minute. If it exceeds 1 minute, a deduction of 1 point will be applied to the overall score.
(三)評分項目 Score
(1)個人賽 Individual competition
項目 Category |
說明Scoring Criteria |
100% |
英語演唱技巧 English Singing Techniques |
發音、咬字清晰度、歌唱技巧、流暢度 Pronunciation, Clear Articulation, Vocal Technique, Fluency |
40% |
聲音表現力 Expressing with Voice |
音準、音色、感情演藝、歌曲熟練度 Tuning, Timbre, Emotional Expression, Song Proficiency |
40% |
台風 Stage Charisma |
眼神、肢體語言、舞台魅力 Eye Contact, Body Language, Stage Presence |
20% |
*如遇總分同分情況,則以英語演唱技巧>聲音表現力>台風 各項平均得分高低決定名次。
(2)團體賽Team competition
項目 Category |
說明Scoring Criteria |
100% |
英語演唱技巧 English Singing Techniques |
發音、咬字清晰度、歌唱技巧、流暢度 Pronunciation, Clear Articulation, Vocal Technique, Fluency |
40% |
聲音表現力 Expressing with Voice |
音準、音色、感情演藝、歌曲熟練度 Tuning, Timbre, Emotional Expression, Song Proficiency |
40% |
團體默契 Team Cohesion |
整體流暢度、默契、舞台魅力 Overall Smoothness, Synchronicity, Stage Charisma |
20% |
*如遇總分同分情況,則以英語演唱技巧>聲音表現力>團體默契 各項平均得分高低決定名次。
The competition only provides dinner for participants. Eating and carrying beverages are not allowed inside the competition venue.
Participants may request assistance from classmates to play music.
4.人氣獎將於2023.12.26 下午15:00在醫學院IG直播開票,人氣獎僅頒發獎金。
The popularity award will be announced via a live broadcast on the College of Medicine Instagram on December 26, 2023, at 3:00 PM.
5.比賽歌曲限全英文,需自行繳交去人聲音檔至 r101123@gap.kmu.edu.tw ,主辦單位不提供任何歌曲。
The competition requires songs to be in English. Participants must submit their audio files to r101123@gap.kmu.edu.tw. The file should only contain music and should not include any vocals. The organizers do not provide any songs.
Lyrics are allowed.
Bringing party poppers, streamers, or any items causing a mess is strictly prohibited during the competition. Carrying such items will result in disqualification.
The voting coupons for the popularity award can be redeemed by presenting your student ID. Each person is limited to one coupon.
If audio files are not submitted within the deadline, participation qualification will be revoked.
⭐ 活動成果 ⭐
2023 EMI學生英文歌唱比賽
★獲獎名單List of Winners:https://bit.ly/3SdLJ48