2025 醫學院EMI英語書法工作坊
English Calligraphy Workshop
To enhance the interest and understanding of English learning among teachers and students, as well as to promote awareness of Chinese calligraphy culture for effective cultural exchange with foreign teachers and students, we aim to incorporate relevant English terms in our curriculum.
▎活動日期 Date
(1) 1 class :2025.01.20(一) 春聯
(2) 2 class :2025.01.21(二) 掛軸、紅包
▎活動時間(Time):13:30~16:30 (12:10-13:30用餐&自主練習Time)
▎活動地點(Place):國研大樓7樓共討5 (IR742) International Academic Research Building-7th Floor Common Discussion Room 5 (IR742)
- 報名表單 Registration form : https://forms.gle/aeELwopABfYkX7Xy9 (Start Time: 2025.01.07_12:00)
▎實施方式 Regulation
The event is open to the entire school admissions will be made in the order of registration. Please await the acceptance notification.
2.提供膳食 Providing meals.
3.每堂上限25人。 A maximum of 25 people per class.
4.免材料費 Materials fee is free
When teaching English, it is acceptable to use Chinese as a supplement when discussing or explaining more specialized terms.
§ 參加醫學院EMI活動,海外實習甄選加分,依學院每學年公告為主§
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