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高雄醫學大學醫學院 English Corner 空間使 () 用管理辦法

2022.09.23 初稿

第一條 English Corner 提供本院所屬系所及學程學生作為學習或加強英語能力之使用。

第二條 English Corner 使用時間為上班時間一至週五 時至 17 時 30 分,晚上與假日不開放使用,若有特殊情況,需另填表單並經主管核章後送件辦理。

第三條 English Corner 借用原則如下:

 (1)  承借場地需於 3 天工作日前至指定網頁 (https://tinyurl.com/2f93y9er) 填寫申請表單,經本單位確認並回覆信件後始完成場地預約,否則視同未完成登記。

 (2)  每次登記使用時間以二小時為限。若須借用超過二小時的活動請額外說明理由,始得獲准。

 (3)  因故欲取消預約者請提前告知並簡述原因,借用時間如逾 30 分鐘未到場視同放棄使用,本院將停用其二個月使用資格。

 (4)  本院因故無法借用時,得於提前通知撤銷或改期借用,申請單位不得異議。

第四條 使用 English Corner 應負責任如下:

 (1)  非經管理單位同意,申請單位不得私下變更使用權或將鑰匙交給他人使用,經發現,管理單位得禁止場地使用權。

 (2)  不得在場地內抽煙或用火,如發生任何事故,申請使用單位應負擔一切損害賠償責任。

 (3)  場地內可移動財產設備、咖啡杯、保溫瓶、藍芽喇叭、雜誌書籍、點讀筆,限場內使用。

 (4)  應妥善控制使用時段,避免影響次一時段之使用。

 (5)  應自行妥慎保管財物及會議資料,本院不負保管及賠償責任。

第五條 English Corner 之物品使用規範

 (1)  可向本院 EMI 辦公室人員登記借用英語雜誌點讀筆,於使用期間妥善保管,不得毀損亦不得外借,使用完畢應立即歸還。

 (2)  不得於桌椅、牆壁、門窗塗鴉;海報或文宣品應張貼於白板內,書寫白板用白板筆。場地使用完畢後應恢復原狀,保持清潔請勿留下垃圾,如場地或設備遭到毀損時,申請使用單位需照價賠償

 (3)  使用完畢後請關閉所有電器產品電源、冷氣並關門,並將白板擦拭乾淨,若經管理單位發現未執行上述者,則停用二個月使用資格

第六條 申請使用單位如有下列情形,本單位得拒絕其使用場地:

 (1)   活動之內容與原單位登記內容不符者。

 (2)   從事之活動會危害到本場地建築、設施及人員安全者。

 (3)   以演講、集會或活動為名者,卻從事私人團體或個人利益活動行為,缺乏社教意義,容易造成本場地秩序紊亂者。

 (4)   違反本管理辦法規定之事項者。

第七條 防疫期間,場地借用將依照中央疫情指揮中心公告隨時調整。


Using Guideline for English Corner (KMU College of Medicine)


Rule 1. The “English Corner” is a venue for the students of KMU College of Medicine for learning or strengthening English.

Rule 2. The use time of English Corner is from 8:00 to 17:30 during the school's working hours, Monday to Friday. It is closed during the evening, on weekends, and on holidays. For the reservation outside the regular working hours, an application form approved (signed) by the applicant’s supervisor should also be provided.

Rule 3. Principles for English Corner reservation:

(1)To book English Corner, please fill in the application form on the website (https://tinyurl.com/2f93y9er) at least 3 working days before the desired time of use. The reservation will be confirmed only after receiving the confirmation letter from the College of Medicine. Otherwise, the registration will be deemed as “incomplete”.

(2)The maximal usage time for each reservation is limited to two hours. If you need to borrow more than two hours, please provide the reasons for approval.

(3)For cancellation, please notify in advance with the reason. The reservations will be canceled automatically if the applicant fails to show up 30 minutes after the scheduled time. The right of reservation would also be suspended for 2 months.

(4)If English Corner cannot be booked, the reservation can be modified or canceled with prior notice. The applicant shall not object.

Rule 4. The responsibility for using English Corner:

(1)Without the approval of KMU College of Medicine, the right of use is non-transferable. It is also not allowed to hand over the key to others for use. The above situations will lead to suspension of the right of reservation.

(2)Smoking or fire is forbidden. In case of any accident, the applying unit shall be responsible for all damages.

(3)Movable property equipment in the discussion room is limited to use inside it (e.g. coffee cups, thermos, Bluetooth speakers, magazines, books, and Smart-Pen).

(4)Properly control the use period to avoid affecting the use of the next period.

(5)Keep personal belongings properly and carefully. KMU College of Medicine is not responsible for any compensation

Rule 5. Terms of Use of Items in the English Corner.

(1)You can borrow the Smart-Pen for the English magazines from the EMI assistant. Please keep it properly during the period of use. Improper use leading to damage or lending it to others is not allowed. It should be returned immediately after use.

(2)Do not draw on the table, chair, and wall. The poster should be posted on the whiteboard. The whiteboard only allows using a whiteboard pen. Please keep the venue in order and clean after use. The unit of the applicant shall be responsible for any loss or damage from the discussion for the duration of your booking.

(3)Please turn off the lights/AC, close the door, and keep the whiteboard clean when leaving. If the users fail to comply with the above rules, their eligibility will be suspended for two months.

Rule 6. Common reasons (situations) leading to rejection of application:

(1)The actual activity content is inconsistent with the application form.

(2)The activities that will endanger the safety of the buildings, facilities, and personnel of the site.

(3)The discussion room is not used for educational purposes. For example, private group or personal interest group activity is not allowed.

(4)Those who violate the provisions of these management regulations.

Rule 7. During the epidemic prevention period, this guideline would be adjusted at any time based on suggestions of the Taiwan Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC).

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