v1-02.jpg v1-03.jpg


  • 在課堂上,想講個英文笑話,打破與學生之間的距離,但腦中卻也湊不出一段笑話,或者講了但學生聽得一臉茫然,只能站在台上與學生們乾瞪眼
  • 在會議中或是研討會中,想與外籍人士交流,卻不知如何開口,深怕說錯單字及文法,只能帶著尷尬又不失禮貌滴微笑面對外國臉孔

As colleges actively promote EMI (English as a Medium of Instruction) teaching, English conversations have gradually infiltrated our lives. I wonder if teachers have encountered the following situations:

  • In the classroom, wanting to tell an English joke to break the ice with students, but unable to come up with one on the spot. Or even if a joke is told, students respond with blank stares, leaving the teacher standing awkwardly at the front of the class.
  • In meetings or seminars, wanting to communicate with foreigners but not knowing how to start, fearing the misuse of vocabulary and grammar. Instead, one can only smile awkwardly and politely at foreign faces.




Last semester, the enthusiastic response from participating teachers led to the revival of the "OEOW" Teacher English Teaching Oral Autonomy Training Community for this semester!

We warmly welcome teachers who are interested in experiencing a "Only English in One Week, OEOW" to quickly sign up. Let's naturally incorporate (broken) English communication into our daily lives together.

Learning English is no longer an individual endeavor but a shared goal. Teachers are welcome to join our community and embark on the journey of English-speaking together!



第一場:EMI? What?
時間:920() 中午1210-1330
地點:國研大樓7 共同討論室5 (IR742)
講師:高醫語言與文化中心 黃淑秀老師
報名截止日期: 916()中午12:00


Title: EMI? What?
Date: September 20th (Friday), 12:10 PM - 1:30 PM
Location: Room 5, 7th Floor, Research and Development Building, (IR742)
Speaker: Huang-Shu Siou, Instructor from Kaohsiung Medical University Language and Culture Center
Application Due Date: 16th September, 2024

第二場:How are you? Fine, thank you! 

時間:1011() 中午1210-1330
講師:高醫語言與文化中心 方思華老師
報名截止日期: 104()中午12:00


Title: "How are you? Fine, thank you!" 
11th, October, 2024
Location: To be announced
Shu-Hsiu Huang, Instructor from Kaohsiung Medical University Language and Culture Center
Application Due Date: 4th October, 2024 12:00PM


時間:1108() 中午1210-1330
講師:高醫語言與文化中心 黃淑秀老師
報名截止日期: 111()中午12:00

Title: "I'm too old to go to cram school anymore" (Leveraging Online English Learning Resources)


Date: April 12th (Friday), 12:10 PM - 1:30 PM
Location: To be announced
Speaker: Huang-Shu Siou, Instructor from Kaohsiung Medical University Language and Culture Center
Application Due Date: 1st November, 2024 12:00PM



  1. 每場活動皆有報名人數上限,若報名成功將會發送通知信。
  2. 本社群活動成長積分申請中,當天請「完成簽到退」與「填寫滿意度調查」問卷,才予以計算成長計分
  3. 當日敬備午餐。


  • Each event has a maximum capacity; notification emails will be sent upon successful registration.
  • This community will host a total of three events, and teacher community credits have been applied for.(To be confirmed)
  • Lunch will be provided on the day of the event.

    工作區域 2



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