高雄醫學大學醫學院EMI訂於112年5月18日至5月19日辦理EMI教師培訓「基礎」工作坊暨教師教師社群活動;本活動由本校與南區雙語教育區域資源中心共同主辦,邀請Fulbright國際學者Dr. Chiung-Yao (Carolyn) Ho及本校教育與人類發展研究全英語學位學程紀博善(Dr. Dale Albanese) 助理教授擔任講師;歡迎有興趣的師長手刀報名參加。![🥰](https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/tea/1/16/1f970.png)
KaohsiungMedical University College of Medicine's English Medium Instruction (EMI)program will be hosting an " Entry-level " workshop and teacher community event from May 18th to May 19th, 2023. The event is co-organized by our university and the Southern Regional Resource Center for Bilingual Education. We have invited Fulbright international scholar Dr. Chiung-Yao (Carolyn) Ho and Assistant Professor Dr. Dale Albanese from our university's Education and Human Development Research Program as guest speakers. Interested faculty members are warmly encouraged to sign up for the event.
(一) 培訓工作坊(場次一):Assessment in the EMI Classroom
2、講者:Dr. Chiung-Yao (Carolyn) Ho
Session 1: Assessment in the EMI Classroon
1) Time: 2023.05.18 9:00-12:00
2) Speaker: Dr. Chiung- Yao (Carolyn) Ho
3) Location: Library and Information Building 11F 博士廳
(二)教師社群:Discussion on Assessment in the EMI Classroom
2、主持人:Dr. Chiung-Yao (Carolyn) Ho
Session 2: Discussion on Assessment in the EMI Classroom
1) Time: 2023.05.18 13:30-15:00
2) Speaker: Dr. Chiung- Yao (Carolyn) Ho
3) Location: Library and Information Building 11F 博士廳
(三) 培訓工作坊(場次二):Introduction to EMI
2、講者:Dr. Chiung-Yao (Carolyn) Ho
Session 3: Introduction to EMI
1) Time: 2023.05.19 10:00-12:00
2) Speaker: Dr. Chiung- Yao (Carolyn) Ho
3) Location: KMU Laboratory Complex Building Room 103
(四)培訓工作坊(場次三):EMI Strategies and Language Use
2、講者:紀博善 Dr. Dale Albanese
Session 4: EMI Strategies and Language Use
1) Time: 2023.05.19 13:30-16:30
2) Speaker: Dr. Dale Albanese
3) Location: KMU Laboratory Complex Building Room 103
-完成基礎培訓課程至少8小時以及教學演示15分鐘即可達成EMI初 階認證(20分)。
To achieve the EMI Entry Level Certification(20 points), participants must complete a minimum of 8 hours of basic training courses and deliver a 15-minute microteaching.
Meal provided.
If you have any quesitons, please contact EMI office Williow Wen (2137#86)