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Department of Renal Care (Discontinued since the 2019/20 AY)

  • On-the-Job Undergraduate Program

Contac Info

International Admission

Because of the increasing variations and divisions in health care management, the need for enhancing the quality of medical care and delivery, and the increasing demand for professional renal health care providers in Taiwan, the University felt that the short-term training being provided by the school is inadequate in meeting the needs of the people and the medical society in general. Thus, in 2003, the Department of Renal Care was formally established. Through formal education, the Department aims to:

  1. Enhance the quality of medical training for kidney care personnel, and
  2. Provide excellent training of renal care staff in assisting physicians attend to patients with severely acute and chronic kidney disease, and
  3. Offer professional development training to update trainees’ skills that are up to par with the world's best scientists and researchers actively involved in chronic kidney disease care.

Currently, there is no similar institute in the country that provides the most comprehensive and advanced professional training for kidney care personnel.

One of the strong characteristics of the department lies in the cultivation of professional teaching staff and medical trainers that inculcates values, responsibility, and caring. The Department is also dedicated in promoting improved renal care training through research, teaching, practice and service capabilities. Emphasis on on-the-job training is also given to provide skill upgrading and retaining to meet the needs of the medical society

The primary goal of the on-the-job training of medical staff is to generally raise the standard of care for kidney patients. The training includes: completion of the training curriculum, gain adequate clinical practice experience, cultivate both theoretical and practical pedagogy. By providing specialized training, our program will likely enhance the quality of professionals in the field and increase health benefits for the patients.

Research Focus

The research fields of the faculty focus on molecular mechanisms of pathophysiology in respiratory system related to sepsis and lung cancer.Adjunct faculty members include: current clinical teachers, physicians, and respiratory therapists with expertise related to respiratory care.

  1. Prevention of end stage renal failure
  2. Epidemiology of chronic kidney diseases
  3. Care of patients with renal disorders
  4. Pathogenesis of glomerular diseases
  5. Diabetic nephropathy
  6. Patient education


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