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高雄醫學大學醫學院學生EMI英語學習角落(English Corner)


 ▎申請資格 Register


            All medical school students can participate.

      (二)每場English Corner開放至多4-8名學生報名,活動地點為國研大樓4樓IR445(英語學習角落English Corner)。

            A maximum of 4-8 students can participate in each session,The event will take place at IR445 on the 4th floor of the International Academic Research Building. 

      (三)報名方式 Enrollment procedure:

            個人:自由報名參加English Corner課程。 Individual registration


             *Admissions will be made in the order of registration. Please await the acceptance notification.

     (四)活動報名 Registration formhttps://forms.gle/KyNNeLw6gy9ap7Dy9  (2025.02.17下午13:00開放報名)

           *海外實習徵選加分:依各系公告學年實施。  → 2024參考 Reference

           *Bonus Points for Overseas Internship Selection: Implemented as announced by each department for the academic year.

 ▎活動內容 Event details

      (一)活動時段 Event date:

  • Class A_曾宣華 Adela ( 3/3、3/10、3/17、3/24、3/31、4/7、4/14、4/28、5/5、5/12 Time_12:10-13:00 pm )
  • Class B_Andrew ( 3/5、3/12、3/19、4/2、4/9、4/16、4/23、4/25、5/7、5/9、5/14、5/21、5/23、6/4、6/11 Time_12:10-13:00 pm ) 
  • Class C_Florian Buelt ( 3/18、3/25、4/15、4/22、5/6、5/13、5/20、5/27、6/3、6/10 Time_12:10-13:00 pm ) 
  • Class D_Yash ( 4/9、4/16、4/23、5/7、5/14 Time_17:10-18:00 pm ) 
  • Class E_Anusha(校內小老師) ( 4/10、4/17、4/24、5/8、5/15 Time_12:10-13:00 pm ) 

      (二)113-2學期活動內容介紹 Content introduction

113 2 English Corner A班課表

113 2 English Corner B班課表

113 2 English Corner C班課表

113 2 English Corner D班課表

113 2 English Corner E班課表

 *內容依當天狀況調整  Content subject to adjustment based on the day's circumstances.


 ▎實施方式 Regulation


The selection process is divided into two phases:Phase 1: Each person may select 1 to 15 sessions.Phase 2: Backup session selection, where each person may choose 1 to 15 additional sessions.If the same date is selected in both phases, the backup selection will be subject to a lottery.

     (二)醫學院將於每週固定時段辦理學生English Corner,每場English Corner均有一位講師帶領學生進行英語學習活動。該場次若無學生報名,則不開課。

We hold English Corner at a fixed time every week, and each session is led by an instructor for students to engage in English learning activities. If there are no student registrations for a particular session, it will not be conducted.

     (三)該場English Corner全程參與並於該場English Corner結束後填寫滿意度調查之學生,可獲得English Corner集點卡一點。

After each session, you can receive a stamp by completing a satisfaction survey. 

     (四)English Corner集點卡集滿時,醫學院將核發獎勵品,學生在兌換獎勵品前,須先繳交200字之英語學習心得(Google表單:https://forms.gle/BLSwVxkQ3qMvN2LL8)。

Before students can redeem rewards, they must submit a 200-word English learning reflection.


Accumulate 2 points to redeem TWD 100 voucher ; Accumulate 5 points to redeem TWD 500 voucher. 


Since meals are provided for each event, to avoid resource wastage, if you are unable to attend after successful registration, please notify the administration office at least three days before the event starts due to unforeseen circumstances. If a participant is absent without a valid reason for three times, their privileges will be suspended for one semester.

◎ 兌換獎勵請至國研大樓4F (IR452)找楊小姐兌換 

For reward redemption, please visit Ms. Yang at Room IR452 on the 4th floor of the International Academic Research Building.







聯絡電話:07-312 1101分機2137轉85


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