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醫學院學生EMI TA訓練講座

EMI TA Training Workshop


凡對講座主題有興趣或欲想擔任醫學院EMI TA的全校在校學生都可以參加~


講座日期Date ※欲擔任醫學院EMI TA,須參加英語表達類、技術應用類各一場講座 (EMI TA薪資表)




活動地點及內容Place and Event details

113 2醫學院EMI TA訓練課表 2

▎報名資格 Register


All Kaohsiung Medical University's students can participate.


Admission is prioritized on a first-come, first-served basis. Applicants with a professor's recommendation will be given priority for the lecture. The official admission is based on the 'Acceptance Letter.

      (三)每場上限35人。 ※4/22場次開放師長報名參加

     The maximum number of participants per session is 35.


Since meals are provided for each event, to avoid resource wastage, if you are unable to attend after successful registration, please notify the administration office at least three days before the event starts due to unforeseen circumstances.

      (五)活動報名 Registration formhttps://forms.gle/nxTAkjte8z2AHron6  (2025.02.24上午10:00開放報名)

      (六)凡擔任醫學院EMI TA將頒證認證證書。

*海外實習徵選加分:依各系公告學年實施。  → 2024參考 Reference    





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