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OEOW" English Speaking Self-Training Community



  • 在課堂上,想講個英文笑話,打破與學生之間的距離,但腦中卻也湊不出一段笑話,或者講了但學生聽得一臉茫然,只能站在台上與學生們乾瞪眼
  • 在會議中或是研討會中,想與外籍人士交流,卻不知如何開口,深怕說錯單字及文法,只能帶著尷尬又不失禮貌滴微笑面對外國臉孔

As various colleges actively promote EMI teaching, English conversations have gradually integrated into our daily lives. Have you ever encountered the following situations?

  • In the classroom, you want to break the ice with your students by telling a joke in English, but nothing comes to mind, or the joke completely falls flat. You end up standing at the podium, awkwardly exchanging glances with your students.
  • In meetings or conferences, you’d like to strike up a conversation with foreign participants but aren’t sure how to begin. Afraid of using the wrong words or making grammatical mistakes, you end up giving them an awkward, polite smile instead.




Last semester, we received an enthusiastic response from participating teachers, and now the "OEOW" English Speaking Self-Training Community is back for another round!

If you're a teacher interested in the "Only English One Week (OEOW)" challenge, don’t wait—sign up now and start breaking through language barriers by incorporating English naturally into your daily life.

Learning English doesn’t have to be a lonely journey—it’s a shared goal within a supportive community. We invite all teachers to join us on this exciting journey to improve their English-speaking skills!









時間 :3月7日(五) 中午12:10-13:30

地點 :國研大樓7樓 多功能交誼廳2 (IR741) 

講者 :天然藥物研究所 顏嘉宏老師


Session 1: Sharing Experiences on Applying Flipped Classroom Strategies in EMI Teaching

  • Date and Time: March 7 (Friday), 12:10 PM – 1:30 PM
  • Venue: Lounge 2 (IR741), 7th Floor, International Academic Research Building
  • Speaker: Professor Chia-Hung Yen, Graduate Institute of Natural Products



時間:3月28日(五) 中午12:10-13:30

地點:國研大樓4樓 共同討論室1 (IR459)

講者:醫研所 謝翠娟老師

Session 2: The Struggles of EMI Teaching You Should Know

  • Date and Time: March 28 (Friday), 12:10 PM – 1:30 PM
  • Venue: Discussion Room 1 (IR459), 4th Floor, International Academic Research Building
  • Speaker: Professor Tsui-Chuan Hsieh, Graduate Institute of Medicine



時間:4月11日(五) 中午12:10-13:30

地點:國研大樓4樓 共同討論室1 (IR459)

講者:醫研所 孫昭玲老師

Session 3: Is It Really Possible to Have Classroom Discussions in English?

  • Date and Time: April 11 (Friday), 12:10 PM – 1:30 PM
  • Venue: Discussion Room 1 (IR459), 4th Floor, International Academic Research Building
  • Speaker: Professor Chao-Ling Sun, Graduate Institute of Medicine




  1. 每場活動皆有報名人數上限,若報名成功將會發送通知信。
  2. 此社群共將舉辦三場活動,已申請教師社群積分。
  3. 當日敬備午餐。


  1. Each event has a limited number of spots available. A confirmation email will be sent upon successful registration.
  2. The community will have three events in total and teacher community credits have already been approved."
  3. Lunch will be provided on the event day.


※聯繫窗口 Please Contact:

     醫學院  李怡萱    E-mail:  r131021@gap.kmu.edu.tw ext. 2137 #22

     醫學院  許雅慧    E-mail:  emipt25@gmail.com           ext. 2137 #87   

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