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2022 College of Medicine EMI Student English Presentation Contest

▍活動目的 Purpose
To align with the Ministry of Education's"Bilingual Learning Program for College Students – Advance into Key Cultivation Colleges," the college of Medicine has planned to hold a student English presentation contest. The aim is to improve students' logical thinking and English oral communication skills while integrating their classroom learning experiences or research outcomes. This initiative aims to enhance students' motivation and effectiveness in learning English.

▍活動對象 Target Audience
College of Medicine undergraduate, master's, anddoctoral students (including in-service programs)

▍比賽日期及時間 Date & Time
2022/07/07 (星期四) 16:00~18:30 含講評。

July 7, 2022 (Thur.) from 16:00 to 18:30, including comments/feedback.

▍報名連結 Registration URL
▍比賽地點 Location
 國研大樓4樓醫學院共同討論室2 (IR458)。

International Academic Research Building 4F (IR458)

*Due to pandemic considerations, the competition will be conducted both in-person and online, but pre-recorded presentations are not allowed.

▍簡報主題 Presentation Topic
   (一) 大專生研究計畫內容或成果。
   (二) 科學論文閱讀簡報。
   (三) 研究生之研究小摘要或小論文。
   (四) 參賽者自訂可發揮的簡報主題。

Choose one of the following as your presentation topic:

(1) The content or results of a research project for a college student.

(2) Presentation on scientific paper reading.

(3) Brief summary or academic essay of graduate research.

(4) Self-determined presentation topic.

▍比賽規則 Rules
   (一) 比賽方式
           1. 報告時間5分鐘,簡報時間未滿3分30秒,扣總分1分;超過5分30秒,扣總分1分。
           2. 簡報4分30秒時按鈴提醒,5分鐘時按鈴請結束簡報。
           3. 比賽過程得使用簡報檔案作為輔助,但不得攜帶講稿,違者將酌情扣總分1~3 分。
Contest Format
  1. Presentation duration is 5 minutes. If the presentation time is less than 3 minutes and 30 seconds, 1 point will be deducted from the total score. If it exceeds 5 minutes and 30 seconds, 1 point will be deducted from the total score.
  2. A reminder bell will be rung at 4 minutes and 30 seconds into the presentation, and a bell will be rung at the 5-minute mark to signal the end of the presentation.
  3. Participants are allowed to use presentation slides as visual aids during the competition, but carrying written scripts is not permitted. Violators will be subject to a deduction of 1 to 3 points from the total score.
   (二) 評分標準 Grading Criteria
           1. 語言表達能力(發音、語調、流暢度、準確性等)  40% 。
           2. 簡報內容(切題度、創新性、組織結構等)  40% 。
           3. 台風(眼神、肢體語言、服裝、儀態等)  20% 。
           ※遇有同分情形,以1. 語言表達能力  2. 演講內容  之得分高低決定名次。
  1. Language expression skills (pronunciation, intonation, fluency, accuracy, etc.) - 40%.
  2. Presentation content (relevance, innovativeness, organizational structure, etc.) - 40%.
  3. Presentation skills (eye contact, body language, attire, demeanor, etc.) - 20%.

**In case of a tie, the ranking will be determined based on the scores of 1. Language expression skills and 2. Presentation content, in that order.

▍比賽獎勵 Prize
        第一名( 1名) 每人頒發獎狀一張及獎金10,000元 。
        第二名( 1名) 每人頒發獎狀一張及獎金8,000元 。
        第三名( 1名) 每人頒發獎狀一張及獎金6,000元 。
        優  選( 3名) 每人頒發獎狀一張及獎金4,000元 。
        佳 作(若干名) 每人頒發獎狀一張及獎金2,000元 。
First Place (1 person): Certificate and a prize of NT$10,000.

Second Place (1 person): Certificate and a prize of NT$8,000.

Third Place (1 person): Certificate and a prize of NT$6,000.

Merit Award (3 people): Certificate and a prize of NT$4,000 each.

Honorable Mention (several participants): Certificate and a prize of NT$2,000 each.

▍比賽抽籤順序公告 Announcement of Drawing Sequence for the Contesthttps://bit.ly/3iAFngb
▍比賽獲獎公告 Contest Award Announcementhttps://bit.ly/3GZOS23
⭐ 活動成果Photo ⭐
《聯絡人Point of Contact

醫學院EMI計畫助理 EMI Assistant of the College of Medicine:楊璞宣 Ms.Yang
聯絡電話:07-312 1101 ext.2137 #36

醫學院The College of Medicine:林妍吟 Ms. Lin
聯絡電話:07-312 1101ext.2137 #16

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