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Pop Quiz for the College of Medicine EMI Students



Welcome to participate in the College of Medicine EMI online Pop Quiz! In order to enhance students' understanding of EMI and the rewards provided by EMI, we are organizing this activity.


Just come and answer the quiz! Take the prize home with you!



📌【活動時間 】

- 111/07/04(一)~111/07/08(五)17:00止

Time: 2022.07.04 (Mon) ~ 2022.07.08 (Fri.) until 17:00



- 醫學院學生

Target Audience: Students of the College of Medicine



■ 進入醫學院「線上有獎徵答」活動網頁,觀看EMI介紹檔案。(歡迎點選:EMI介紹)

■ 觀看完畢後,進入表單填寫基本資料與題目。(表單連結:https://forms.gle/z3XvSiG7UYXfaQfNA)


■ 每人不限做答次數,重複填寫可提高中獎的機會!

■ 題目共10題,總分10分。

■ 活動結束一周內,將電腦隨機抽出得獎者。



  • Access the webpage for the "Online Pop Quiz" in the College of Medicine and view the EMI introduction file. (Click:EMI Introduction)
  • After reading, please go to the form to fill out your basic information and answer the questions. (From:https://forms.gle/z3XvSiG7UYXfaQfNA)
  • Only those who answer all the questions correctly will be eligible to participate in this activity.
  • There is no limit to the number of times for each person. You can answer the questions repeatedly to increase your chance of winning!
  • There are a total of 10 questions, and the total score is 10 points.
  • Within one week after the activity ends, the computer will randomly select the winners.



■ 於活動期間,答題全對者,至醫學院Facebook及Instagram活動貼文下方留言者,亦能增加抽獎機會。

During the activity, participants who answer all the questions correctly will have the opportunity to increase their chances of winning by leaving a comment under the activity posts on the College of Medicine's Facebook and Instagram pages.

■ 醫學院Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/KMUCOM

■ 醫學院Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/kmucom/



① 頭獎:聲寶 智能氣炸烤箱 x1名

② 貳獎:Sodastream 自動扣瓶氣泡水機 x1名

③ 參獎:鐵三角 ATH-CKS50TW真無線耳機 x1名

④ 肆獎:羅技 MX Keys Mini智能無線鍵盤 x1名

⑤ 伍獎:羅技 MX Master 2S高速滾輪滑鼠 x1名

⑥ 普獎:星巴克NT$100商品券 x10名



  1.  First Prize: SAMPO Air Fryer*1
  2. Second Prize: Sodastream Sparkling Water Maker*1
  3. Third Prize: audio-technica  ATH-CKS50TW True Wireless Earphone
  4. Fourth Prize: Logi MX Keys Mini Smart Wireless keyboard 
  5. Fifth Prize:  Logi MX Master 2S High Speed Scroll Wheel Mouse
  6. Sixth Prize: Starbucks $100 Gift Voucher



■ 需全對者,方能擁有抽獎資格。

■ 得獎名單將於活動結束一周內公布,並以Email或手機通知得獎者。

■ 得獎者若為同一人重複中獎,將取最高獎項送出。

■ 參加本活動者,視同同意提供個人資料作為本活動中獎公告、發送通知、寄發獎項及辦理中獎作業使用,其餘依個人資料保護法規定辦。

■ 得獎人不得要求兌換現金及更換贈品品項。


Important Notice

  • Participants must answer all the questions correctly in order to be eligible for the prize draw.
  • The list of winners will be announced within one week after the activity ends, and the winners will be notified via email or mobile phone.
  • If a winner is selected multiple times, the highest prize will be awarded.
  • By participating in this event, it is deemed that the participants consent to provide their personal information for the purposes of announcing the winners, sending notifications, delivering prizes, and handling related procedures. All other aspects will be handled in accordance with the regulations of the Personal Data Protection Act.
  • Winners are not allowed to request cash redemption or change the items of the prizes.



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