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高雄醫學大學 112 學年度第 2 學期 選修課程

 Kaohsiung Medical University - Elective Course for the 112th Academic Year, 2nd Semester

 醫學學術英文寫作 Medical Academic English Writing




I. 案例報告寫作分析

II. 原著文獻寫作分析

III. 綜述文章寫作分析



Through reading and discussing NEJM original articles or case reports, our aim is to inspire students' interest and understanding in the realm of academic medical English writing. Throughout this process, students will learn how to analyze original articles or clinical cases, extract crucial information, and effectively transform it into academically valuable original articles or case reports. Key directions of the course progression:


I. Analysis of Case Report Writing

II. Analysis of Original Research Paper Writing

III. Analysis of Review Article Writing


Through in-depth discussions, students have the opportunity to grasp the skill of articulating medical perspectives in a clear and well-structured manner. Ultimately, we anticipate that students will apply their acquired knowledge and bravely attempt to independently compose an original article or a case report, showcasing their growth and proficiency in academic medical English writing.

  • 講授者 TEACHER: 王慧晶醫生& 美國在台協會(AIT)英語研究員 Maureen Rooney
  • Instructors: Dr. Hui-Ching Wang & Maureen Rooney, English Researcher at the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT)
  • 研修課程 Elective/ Required: 選修課程 Elective
  • 學分數 Credits 1學分
  • 課程期間 office hour: 自 113 02 月始至 113 06 月止,約四個月。詳細課表於開課前公告。

Course Period Office Hour: From February of the 113th academic year to June of the 113th academic year, approximately four months. Detailed schedule will be announced before the course starts.

  • 上課時間 TimeTuesday 17:10-18:00pm
  • 上課地點 Location S312
  • 開課系級 CLASS: 醫學系二年級 School of Medicine GRADE 2
  • 可選課系級 Department(s)/ Year allowed to select the course: 醫學系一年級六年級;後醫學系一年級

Available for students from the first to sixth year of the School of Medicine; also open to first-year students from post-medical school.


To ensure teaching quality, this course has a limited number of seats. Please register early to secure your spot!


Welcome to join this fascinating academic journey! Register now and experience the joy of medical academic English writing.

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