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 EMI Digital Course Video Recording




Professors of EMI online courses will share their recording and preparation insights to aid future EMI digital courses in the College of Medicine.


▎講座日期 (Date) :2025.02.14 (五)

▎講座時間 (Time):12:00~13:00

▎講座地點 (Place):國研大樓4樓共討1+2 (IR458+459) International Academic Research Building-4th Floor Common Discussion Room 1+2 (IR458+459)

▎講師 (lecturer):劉于鵬 教授


▎報名資格 Register


    Priority will be given to College of Medicine faculty and those assisting in College of Medicine courses, with admission based on the order of registration.

◆ 報名表單 Registration form:https://forms.gle/XGyHLD4VNi1D5Uow6 (建構中)


 ▎實施方式 Regulation

(1) 如報名人數達上限35人,將以113學年拍攝醫學院EMI數位課程教師優先錄取

If the number of registrants surpasses 35, priority admission will be granted to faculty members producing EMI digital courses for the medical school in the 113th academic year.

(2) 已申請教師成長點數1點。 

(3) 因活動均有提供膳食,為避免資源浪費,報名成功後若因故無法參加,請於活動開始前三天告知行政窗口

Since meals are provided, to avoid resource wastage, if you are unable to attend after successful registration, please notify the administration office at least three days before the event starts due to unforeseen circumstances.

數位講座海報 60 x 90 公分







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