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教育部委託國立成功大學外語中心辦理「大學雙語教師專業發展中心」計畫,該計畫於現行EMI專業發展課程之外,擬開設專業英語(English for Specific Purposes, ESP)專業發展課程,提升專業英語授課(ESP)學習成效,以利準備大學生進入各校的專業英語授課課程,提升學子的全球競合力。 


如有相關問題,請於星期一至星期五(9:0017:00)聯繫計畫人員:電子信箱:support@emipd.tw 聯繫電話:06-2757575#52023/52024/52035/52036


The Ministry of Education has commissioned the Language Center of National Cheng Kung University to carry out the "University Bilingual Teacher Professional Development Center" project. In addition to the existing EMI (English as a Medium of Instruction) professional development courses, the project plans to offer professional English (English for Specific Purposes, ESP) development courses to enhance the effectiveness of teaching ESP and better prepare university students for various professional English courses across institutions, thereby increasing their global competitiveness.

The purpose of this questionnaire is to solicit feedback from interested university-level English teachers regarding the offering of professional English courses, aiming to effectively improve the teaching effectiveness of ESP courses within this project. The questionnaire takes approximately 10 minutes to complete, and the data collected will be used solely for the purposes of ESP course design and academic research. Responses and personal information will not be disclosed publicly or used for commercial purposes. Your cooperation in informing English teaching and EMI-related instructors to actively participate in filling out the questionnaire is greatly appreciated. The link to the ESP questionnaire form is: https://reurl.cc/z6dxjV.

For any inquiries, please contact the project staff from Monday to Friday (9:00 AM to 5:00 PM) via email at support@emipd.tw or by phone at 06-2757575#52023/52024/52035/52036.




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